Monday, May 14, 2012

For you.

Specially dedicated to me myself...

Why you so weak?
Tak pass exam sket tapi nangis bagai nak
banjir faculty. Luckily no people there >.<
Poor your umi and abah.
You are almost 21 years old yet being so manja.
Abah sampai suruh letak phone sebab nangis teruk sangat.
Told me to calm myself first and repeatedly said that
its okay that i failed this time, i can try again next time.

Oh abah..if only you know what i feel.
I'm so scared that the same thing happened last year
will happen again this year.
I dont want to break your heart and make
you and umi worry about me again.
Plus, I don't know if im strong enough to face it the second time.

Dear Azira...
You know its not the end of the world yet
so stop grieving over something that had happened.
Something you cannot change.
All you can do is to accept the fact that you fail today!

Just take a deep breath, empty all the negative thought
and start a new chapter.
There's a lot more challenging stuff waiting for you in future.
You can face this Azira.
You have been through a lot before.
This little failure, i'm sure you can face it.
Please be strong!
Nak balik ke tak?
Kalau nak balik, stop grieving and start studying!


Unknown said...

it's okay zira. you may cry as much as you want but must believe that in the end everything will be so much worth waiting. the real feel of achieving. jangan sedih2 sangat ok! let's get back to work fast.
*hugs and loves*
-key girlfriend niklaus- ;)