Friday, March 23, 2012

Adik nak solat

Today i called home and spoke
to my dear youngest adik which is 5 years old.

Basically this is what we spoke about :

 me   :  adik buat apa?
 adik :  baca iqra abg ma bwk balik td.
 me   :  ooo...
 adik :  kak ngah semalam adik sembahyang hajat untuk kak ngah.
 me   :  la ye ke? sape ajar adik sembahyang hajat?
 adik :  umi. semalam adik nak sembahyang hajat untuk kak ngah so umi pun ajar la.
 me   :  *speechless*

Be a solehah girl when you grow up adik.
I'm so scared thinking on what kind of world you'll be living in future.
Mine is hard enough and i don't know how's your future gonna be.

I'm no good but i hope you can do better than me.
Lets usaha supaya satu family dapat reunion balik kat syurga esok. ^^

note 1 : my umi teach her how to sembahyang maghrib but apparently she kept saying that it is sembahyang hajat. =.=

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When czech meet france

Last two week was great.Why?
Because someone close to me come here in Olomouc ^_^
Happy sebab dapat tengok kawan yang sama-sama
homesick masa form 1 sekarang dah makin matang and independent.
Duduk sorang2 kat negara yang serba-serbi asing ni sape kata senang?
(tiap2 malam nangis bwh duvet ingat rumah tau).
But i salute you la friend sebab dapat survive until now.
The journey is not easy but the satisfaction that come
after this insyaallah will be very sweet.
Take care Maziah kat sana. Dekuju moc sudi datang
Czech Republic yang kecik molek ni.

Uhibukifillah abadan abadaa.
Tak lupa juga pada kakak senior yang comel
lagi baik hati tolong tunjuk tempat makan som tam best
and bawa kitorang yang selalu clueless ni jalan-jalan.
Tenkiu kakak protozoa. Jasamu dikenang. hihi

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Know What You Did Last February

I got so many things in my head
but don't know which one to start first.
So let me list out a few things that
happened to me during last month.

1. finally pass my medical chemistry paper
2. my sister is halfway for her graduation
    since she pass a part of her practical session
3. explorace v olomouci
4. dinner : arabian night theme

My abah hold a sembahyang hajat session
with a few of our neighbors.
I'm terharu abah. Seriously.
Umi too keep praying a lot for my success.
Thank you everybody. Siap dapat berjenis-jenis
chocolate lagi before the exam.
You girls memang best my friends.  d(^_^)b
Nasib baik tak banjir Olomouc ni
bacause of my terharu tears for everybody.
(Yes you moved my heart
and i silently cried that day..nanges dalam hati)
Don't know what other adjective
to use except terharu to describe my feeling
toward all the people that i love.
(English tahap kindergarten...pardon)

For the explorace and dinner, its actually
to celebrate our first batch here
the sixths' year students since they are finally leaving soon.
Penat tapi best. It's worth it la berdemam-demam after the event.
Me myself tak main pun tapi
kena jaga lemon juice checkpoint.
Tergelak-gelak tengok orang minum lemon juice
sampai ada yang menangis.

I would say actually not so much thing happen last month
but those are the most precious memory
that i will keep to myself forever..insyaallah.