Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cesky Raj

I is currently studying for my exam next week
but now cannot focus at all so i decided to do
something which is my expertise for a long time ago
which is wasting time >.<
(kira wasting time la kan bila duk merapu-rapu kat belog sendiri)

Last week we went to Cesky Raj.
(went there with several other kepoh-but-happening people)
One of the beautiful sight seeing place i've ever been.
(macam la dah banyak jalan sgt)

Its a beautiful place. Basically we went to two places called
Marianska Vyhlidka and Prachovske Skaly.
Banyak pegi naik bukit je sebenarnya but the
view tu sangat la cantik. Subhanallah.

Baru sedar rupanya diri ni sangat gayat bila kat tempat tinggi.
Terjerit-jerit kau bila nak kena naik turun tangga yang curam tu!
Boo myself..orang lain relax je. Dah la paling cepat mengah.
Sampai satu checkpoint mesti cari air.
Should do exercise more regularly ni (empty promise again :P)
I'm a nature lover but not when it comes to hiking and all
those tiresome stuff. Boo me again..heheh

Let the picture do the talking yaw.

gayat *___*
i'll never climb the steep hill again
saujana mata memandang ^__^
don't believe the sun..its cold there!