Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rant #7

He said that we can choose what we feel and think everyday.
Don't let any thought that will make us feel sad conquer our mind.

But the problem is everything is easier said than done.
Study is hard enough for me right now.
Not to mention other stuff that has been bothering
my mind these few days.

I'm tired of faking my smile.
I don't like the feeling of kena buat2 happy when
i'm not happy at all pun sebenarnya.
Doing that for the sake of people around me.
Not fair for them to see my sawi-jeruk-face
every time they see me kan? eh?
So I think its better for me to avoid myself being in a place
crowded with lots of people for a while.

Why am i sad?
Cause I failed plus some issues at home.

That some other issues tu yang make my mood worse.
Feel like i'm the most useless daughter in the world.
That inferior feeling keep growing massively.

I should fight this feeling.
I need to fight.
In fact, I must fight.

He that i mentioned above is someone i know
during my secondary school.
A great motivator.