Thursday, January 31, 2013

Her story. Again.

Yesterday i called my mom and we were
having a random conversation as usual.
Its about 7:30 pm in Malaysia.
My bad for calling her at that time.
Tak sedar pun tu time maghrib. Main call je.
Tu pun sebab mak cakap dekat
hujung2 conversation tu.
Sorry for the inconvenience mom.
Your daughter is such a bad girl
when it comes to right timing.

Alkisahnya masa tengah berbual tu
tiba-tiba my mom tegur my 6 years
old sister,

"eh eh nak buat apa tu? Nak tido dah?
Jangan tido lagi. Nak makan nasi dulu x?"

Pernah dengar lagu Breakeven yang
Maddi Jane tu cover tak? Lyrics dia more or
less like this la,

"what am i gonna do when the best part if me was always you".

Yes you mom. The best part of me was always you.
Siapa lagi yang show such a great concern over every single
things that we do other than mom right.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baru teringat.

Remember last time when I said
that I'm very annoyed with people
who gave bad comment about my room?

Well today i've been thinking
about one of the incident that
happened last month.
I was looking at the pictures of one
of my friend punya sister wedding.

Suddenly I said,

"eh akak kau ni keje apa? Nampak gaya cikgu2."

Then she replied,

"oh akak aku accountant".

During that time i don't think that my
comment tu offensive pun.
But when i think about it again,
baru rasa macam
"eh kau kenapa nak komen orang macam tu".

Who am I to judge and say things
about people appearance kan.
(Teachers don't feel offended. You guys are cool).

My point is first kena selalu berlapang dada
bila orang bagi comment or pandangan
kat kita. Secondly, watch your tongue.
I mean my tongue.

Note 1 : Biasala. Musim2 exam ni memang
rajin nak menaip instead of reading the books.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cuba nak kawal composure.

Sometimes no news is good news.
Contohnya bila hal-hal berkaitan
kaum kerabat terdekat aka family la.

Today I was told two bad news
about my granny and aunt.
My aunt faint due to hypertension
and pasal nenek pulak tak dapat tahu
cerita sebenar bcos i didn't call home yet.
But I was told that both are sick.

Faham tak perasaan bila tiba-tiba dapat tahu
pasal ada family member yang sakit ni?
Tak tenang. Buat semua benda pun mesti nak
fikir pasal diorang.
Dulu arwah atuk pun meninggal time2 mcm ni la.
Musim exam.
Bukan nak fikir yang bukan-bukan but
I'm only stating the fact.
Musim exam ni lain sikit dugaan dia.

I'm very close to my aunt.
Siap dah janji nak masakkan nasi dagang
as the first thing when i come back home this summer.
Even mulut dia bising tapi hati baik ok.
Baik gile! One of the kindest aunt that I ever have.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Satu benda yang buat rasa sebal dalam hati
is bila orang datang bilik and komen
macam-macam kat bilik kita.

"oh ini ke biliknya. kecik jugak eh"

Rude tak? Rude ok. Its like ko macam
tengah judge dia melalui keluasan tempat
tinggal dia. I found this as irritating and
very very annoying.

Satu lagi silap bila ada orang
cakap benda ni time2 dekat nak exam.
Sensitif tahu. You are not even Eric Leong.

Bilikku syurgaku.
Ever heard of this saying before?

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Faham tak feeling fail test Czech?
Rasa loser gila weh.
Czech yang sepatutnya senang
nak lepas tu pun boleh kantoi fail.
Loser sangat ni Azira.

Lain kali baca betul-betul even awak
tu tak minat bahasa ni.
Awak ingat dia suka sangat kat awak?
Tak pasal-pasal nak kena repeat test ni
padahal exam satu pun tak setel lagi ni Ajira.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013



First entry for 2013 :D
So a lot had happened last year.
Some are good and some are bad.
My family and friends are great.
Lost my late grandfather.
Finish all my exams.
Ups and downs with study but alhamdulillah
I can say that He gave me everything that i need.

I came up with a few new year resolutions
but in the end I think there's a few things that
hadn't been accomplished last year.
So I decided to keep some of them this year.

I wish I will read more.
Not the medic stuff but other things.
Something not related to medicine.
John Grisham, some seerah, and a few
motivational book.

I wish that i could finish Raheeq Makhtum
by the end of this school year so during the summer
I can read another book.

Why reading? because someone said to me
that leaders are readers.
The more you read, you will eventually feel
that you know nothing.
Praise to Allah who had the Greatest Knowledge
among all of us. Our Creator.

Till then, bye.
Happy New Year! :D