Now i realize that there is nothing impossible in this world (baru nak sedar ke?? dush2)
Recently, it is winter here. I got a lot of new experiences. Not only excited with the first snow here but also i'm glad that i survived the damn cold temperature! And when the whether change, automatically the period is also changing. Yang paling terasa is waktu nak solat. Since masa winter siangnya pendek and malamnya panjang, so gap between every solat yang wajib kita buat juga bertambah singkat.
And now, we are approaching spring. I'm so excited!!! Dah lama xrasa matahari yang betul-betul..matahari yang xmenipu! What i mean is, during winter even the sun is there but you still could fell the cold breeze right in front of your nose (sbb sejuk tahap nak tercabut hidung!) Tapi sekarang dah better sket kot sbb dah xpayah pakai baju tebal2 dah.
Well actually what i'm trying to say is..sekarang nih tengah peralihan musim and waktu sembahyang pun xconstant. Masa mula2 tengok jadual waktu sembahyang dulu terbeliak biji mata tengok jadual tu.Well untuk orang yang jarang2 nak bangun pagi like me, subuh as early as 4 pm and end approximately at 5.30 is quite a big deal! At first tu kelam kabut jugak la nak bangun awal. Terfikir jugak boleh ke aku survive sepanjang bulan ni bangun subuh awal....(sgt awal kot!)
But alhamdulillah..bila kita dah setkan niat betul-betul insyaAllah kita akan bole go through anything. Tak sangka berjaya jugak mengharungi bulan ni dengan i would say quite impressive...yela atlis bole jugak la bangun awal. Ingatkan matila aku sepanjang bulan nih xbole bangun awal pagi.
So the conclusion is, jgn mudah buruk sangka dengan diri sendiri. There is nothing impossible in life..even untuk bangun awal subuh.. <3
Saturday, March 26, 2011
nothing impossible
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Kopi vs Teh
Sangat tepu lepas baca anatomy =.=
Nak tido xngantok pulak coz dah minum bergelen-gelen nescafe td...i'm totaly addicted to caffein.
Sometimes i wonder why i'm so addicted to it...perhaps because of the aroma??
But atcually xreti sgt pon nak bezakan byk2 jenis caffeinated drinks ni..
So i made a few readings regarding caffeine (thanks to
- Caffeine was isolated from coffee in 1820 by a German chemist,Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge, and in 1821 by French chemists working independently; namely, by Robiquet and by Pelletier and Caventou.
- In humans, caffeine acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness *no wonder la xleh tido ag although da pukul 1 lebih*
- Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive substance but, unlike many other psychoactive substances, is legal and unregulated in nearly all jurisdictions
- Caffeine has diuretics properties when administered in sufficient doses to subjects who do not have a tolerance for it. Regular users, however, develop a strong tolerance to this effect, and studies have generally failed to support the common notion that ordinary consumption of caffeinated beverages contributes significantly to dehydration
~panjang pulak artikel tu... from another site pulak..
the amount of caffeine in an 8oz cup of various teas and coffee:
- Coffee: 100 mg
- Black Tea: 40 to 50 mg
- Oolong Tea: 25 to 35 mg
- Green Tea: 20 to 30 mg
Well, green tea seems to be the best option if you are looking for a healthy drink but personally i dont really like the taste. Kat umah pon xpernah beli teh nih..pernah minum sekali je.
Whatever pon, kalau diberi pilihan untk pilih kopi atau teh aku still akan pilih kopi sebab kopi paling sedap! ~bile nak bole tido ni~
Posted by zira mustapa at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2011
so thats the tittle for today.."gemuk"
sometimes i simply just dont understand why people keep worrying about being so called fat person. *sigh*
i had a lot of friends who keep worrying about being fat and gaining weight...i think thats what normal teenage girl would think..not to mention only here but also my friends in malaysia..
but why are people care so much about being fat???why??why??
i think sometimes you should just eat what you want and forget about the weighing scale for a moment..
im da kind of person yg hanya kenyang bila jumpa sue me for being a typical asian and more specifically malay girl who grows up with nasi everyday kat rumah..

i just love rice so much..please friends dont be afraid of'll be fine as long as you did control the amount and do exercise..well even me sometimes terfikir jugak about gaining weight ni tapi xdela smpai control sgt makan sampai memudaratkan diri..haha..kenapa?because i love myself..i cant stand people who starved themselves in order to look good (luckily never found such person)...well this is just my personal offense okay! <3
Posted by zira mustapa at 12:23 PM 0 comments
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