so thats the tittle for today.."gemuk"
sometimes i simply just dont understand why people keep worrying about being so called fat person. *sigh*
i had a lot of friends who keep worrying about being fat and gaining weight...i think thats what normal teenage girl would think..not to mention only here but also my friends in malaysia..
but why are people care so much about being fat???why??why??
i think sometimes you should just eat what you want and forget about the weighing scale for a moment..
im da kind of person yg hanya kenyang bila jumpa sue me for being a typical asian and more specifically malay girl who grows up with nasi everyday kat rumah..

i just love rice so much..please friends dont be afraid of'll be fine as long as you did control the amount and do exercise..well even me sometimes terfikir jugak about gaining weight ni tapi xdela smpai control sgt makan sampai memudaratkan diri..haha..kenapa?because i love myself..i cant stand people who starved themselves in order to look good (luckily never found such person)...well this is just my personal offense okay! <3
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