Friday, May 31, 2013

When they gather

One of my bau-bau bacang relative got married yesterday.
Since its school holidays now in Malaysia, all of my aunties
and uncles went there and apa lagi ber-gathering la nampaknya
semorang at our small house last night.
This is also the reason why I don't have the chance
to speak to my mom all day before my exam yesterday.

My father had 7 siblings and he is the second child.
Can you imagine the situation when all the 6
of them were gathering together?
(the youngest one need to work. haha)
Its super fun lah I tell you.
The same situation when it is raya time.
The hyperactive cousins, the talkative aunts
and the nenek that melayan je kerenah cucu.

My nenek brought about half a kilo of keropok
semalam and they finished it in a flash.
How I miss the moment where you can cook
and eat together, the jokes and the delicious foods.
Believe me my aunties were good cook.
*insert growling stomach sound here*

This is the challenge that you need to face once you
are studying super far from your homeland.
You only go back home once in a year.
But its okay lah.
I have about a month before
the holidays start okay.