Sunday, June 2, 2013

Little thing

Homesick bergunung-ganang dah ni.
Sape homesick jugak angkat tangan.
Kita geng!

Nowadays small thing that someone close
to me do will bring the homesick mood in me.
For example, few days ago my little sister
(not so little anymore actually..haha)
changed her profile picture which has me in it.
Seems so insignificant for other people but for me
that small thing matter.
She miss me.
I miss you too.

In fact I miss everybody at home.
I miss  the smell of the fresh air in the morning,
and the small pasar malam that we have in our village.
Rindu juga nak mandi air yang super sejuk kat rumah.
Duduk kampung mana nak ada air panas.
We only have air sejuk yang super best mandi masa
tengah hari yang panas "ceng-ceng"
(just some kelantanese way of saying that its super hot day..haha)

Semua entry nak pasal homesick takpun stress for the exam.

Tajuk dah macam lagu 1D kan.
Biarkan juga.