Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rant #10

I don't realize when and why that I
I have this bad habit.
The desire to update something here
whenever I have important thing to do in that week.
Bad la since I have two tests tomorrow and
here I am, blogging.

Nevermind la kan.
Stress melampau won't make your study
effective sangat pun. Cewahhhh.

So this is the feeling of being a third year
student in a medical school.
Tired. It doesn't matter which course
you are studying now.
When it comes to study, everything is tiring
and need a lot of sacrifice.
Kalau tak berlambak la orang jual sijil degree
tu kat pasar malam.

It took me quite a while to adapt with the busy schedule.
I think its getting better kot cause I whine less than when
its the first week of the semester.
Quite an achievement la for me.
I like this one quote that I found on twitter
few weeks ago.

If I give up, then I never really wanted it from the start. 
If I continue being lazy than I never really aimed for success 

Happy study Azira.
This all gonna be so worth it in future.
Be patience.

note 1 : I love Pathophysiology. Dr Jan as well. So be nice esok plis cikgu >.<
note 2 : I miss abah. Studying pathology reminds me to abah a lot. Idk why.