Friday, March 22, 2013


Called home this morning and spoke
to my younger sister.
Lets just call her KC (kak cik).

We greet each other like usual
and then suddenly she started her rambling about
how her life is going on now, her exam's result,
current situation st school and so on.

Then suddenly I realized that I'm the only one
who had been listening, sometimes nodding
(as if she could see me through the phone. haha)
and asking a few short questions
while all she did was talking non stop.
She talked most of the time during that approximately
half an hour conversation.

Now I realized that KC and my older sister
have something in common.
You girls talked a lot.
Except that my older sister talk and nag (a little).
This kind of thing happen almost all the time
when I call home. Haha.
But its okay.
Since you are my siblings, if someday i find that
your rambling annoy me I can just tarik you rambut
and ask you to be quiet right? :D

note : everybody gonna be home soon. me is so jealous.