Today something have been bothering my mind for the whole day.
Family matters. I'm a bit sensitive when anything regarding family
issue occur. Maybe because I'm very far from them so if anything
happen I'm gonna be super duper anxious.
I'm not gonna put into details on what actually happen because
I think it is not appropriate to tell it here but my conclusion is
find yourself a right spouse.
First kawan. Then bercinta and after that kahwin. I hate it the most
when people have such simplistic thought in their mind.
You married someone because he said that he loves you.
Love for human gonna fade away. True love exist when you
love the one that doesn't extinct. That is how I define love.
I mean its logic right. Example if you like the limited edition
milka choc and only buy that kind of brand, then you tend to
forget all other brand which have the same taste as well.
(the one that make the 'pop' sound every time you eat them..i love it!)
You can have that one in short-limited time because every store only gonna sell it until the promotion end.
(sorry for the bad example. I couldn't think of other contoh yg tepat to describe it)
The same thing can be applied to love. If you love someone who didn't even last long, how would you expect to have a long lasting love.
I said : love Allah first then find someone who loves Him
as much as you do.There you can have the "titik persamaan".
The knot that will always remind you that your love for your spouse will be in the same "wavelength"
as long as both of you love The Al-Mighty.
When you have His love, masalah curang or cheating to your partner won't even occur. You get what i mean?
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a., ia berkata: Rasulullah bersabda:
“Wanita dinikahi karena empat perkara; karena hartanya, karena kedudukannya/keturunannya, karena kecantikannya dan keranan agamanya. Maka, pilihlah yang baik agamanya niscaya engkau beruntung.” (Diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari (3/242), Muslim (2/1086), Abu Dawud (2047), an—Nasaa’i (6/68) dan Ibnu Majah (1858))
Everything begin within yourself. Start seeking Allah's love first Azira.
Friday, December 21, 2012
I define love.
Posted by zira mustapa at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Love of my life.
I always have the thought that my father is the
luckiest man on earth to have my umi as his wife.
i doubt myself whether i can be as good as her
when i'm married.
First, alhamdulillah dalam 6 beradik ni, 4 orang yang
dah khatam al-quran semua khatam masa mengaji dengan umi.
she teached us alif ba ta sampai ke ya.
tu belum masuk bab mengeja and nak mengenal satu-satu ayat.
how cool is that to have the chance to teach your children
reading the greatest book from Him by yourself. *mata berkaca-kaca*
Besides, she's a really good daughter-in-law. Others are great too.
But since we are now talking about my mother so
allow me to be a little bias here. hehe.
She's good sebab jarang dengar dia merungut pasal mertua
or ipar-duai ke apa.
Among the aunties, i think her anyaman ketupat
is the best and easy to learn.
(padahal sampai sekarang tak pandai2 jugak menganyam ketupat tu)
Dia pandai ambil hati my nenek. How?
I think my umi ni sangat cekap di dapur and sangat-sangat
respect orang tua kot. Pandai cari topik nak sembang dengan
saudara-mara and so on. Tapi rasanya all moms pun macam ni kot.
Dia sangat la penyabar. I don't know how she survive
melayan kerenah kitorang enam beradik ni yang kalau dilayan
sampai ke sudah tak habis. Belum masuk nak layan my abah lagi.
Semput tau jadi mak orang ni. Dari kecik dia la yang mengandung,
9 bulan bawak anak dalam her womb. Nasib baik she's not
the kind yang ada alahan teruk2 macam orang lain.
Dah sakit-sakit bersalin kena sabar jaga baby kecik pulak.
Cuba kalau bulan puasa pulak, dia la yang ktungktang2
kat dapur sorang-sorang pukul 4 pagi nak sediakan sahur for
the whole family. Penat woi. Sampai satu tahap i thought
macam mana la my umi boleh go through all this
without whining even a single word.
Ok point membebel panjang2 ni sebenarnya nak cakap
that i love you umi. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Rant #8
berkurun tinggal blog sebab (konon) third year ni busy.
sometimes memang betul busy pong. eheh.
i have a list of to-do menu in my mind but apparently
whether malas or takde masa are the biggest reason why
tak terbuat-buat lagi benda tu.
punya la ngidam nasi kerabu tapi sampai sekarang tak
dapat nak fulfill hajat yang satu tu. kalau rajin nak buat solok siap.
pastu ada ayam percik ke skali.
gigih salivary gland kena keje tiap kali pikir menu ni.
janji nak buat nasi dagang pun jadi janji tinggal janji je.
nasi dagang sodap oi. tapi sini mana ada ikan tongkol.
laut pun xde apatah lagi nak makan makan ikan segar.
but maybe boleh ganti dgn kari ayam je kot.
(saying the fact, not that im not grateful)
memandangkan beras pulut hari tu pun ada lagi,
i've been thinking about making pulut panggang.
tapi mana nak dapat daun pisang kat sini kan.
or maybe boleh buat wajik lagi skali memandangkan
hari tu x puas makan.
boleh nampak tak banyaknye halangan nak buat all those menu
yang ada kat dalam kepala ni. haha
lagi satu berangan memang best.
esok ada test woi tapi still nak buat rilek lagi time ni.
note 1: tengah pikir nak amek paper apa dulu utk exam winter ni. wish me luck.
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Rant #7
He said that we can choose what we feel and think everyday.
Don't let any thought that will make us feel sad conquer our mind.
But the problem is everything is easier said than done.
Study is hard enough for me right now.
Not to mention other stuff that has been bothering
my mind these few days.
I'm tired of faking my smile.
I don't like the feeling of kena buat2 happy when
i'm not happy at all pun sebenarnya.
Doing that for the sake of people around me.
Not fair for them to see my sawi-jeruk-face
every time they see me kan? eh?
So I think its better for me to avoid myself being in a place
crowded with lots of people for a while.
Why am i sad?
Cause I failed plus some issues at home.
That some other issues tu yang make my mood worse.
Feel like i'm the most useless daughter in the world.
That inferior feeling keep growing massively.
I should fight this feeling.
I need to fight.
In fact, I must fight.
He that i mentioned above is someone i know
during my secondary school.
A great motivator.
Posted by zira mustapa at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Koyak rabak untuk kesekian kalinya.
Just don't give up yet azira.
Maybe awal 2 ni jalan dia berliku-liku sikit sebab esok2 nak dapat highway.
Who knows la kan. kan? T___T
Posted by zira mustapa at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rant #6
Sedih bila strangers or friends treat you better than your own family.
You have the gut to say something awful to my family at my back.
I don't know where shall i put my respect towards you after this.
Bullying my sister just because she had little experience about
adult world. Seriously?
This kind of conflict always make me think zillion times about marriage.
Find the right man is one thing, the family pun one thing that you need to consider very thoroughly before getting married.
Sometimes i think living with my family is enough.
I don't disturb others so others won't disturb us.
But that kind of thought is too ideal and i don't think an ideal community does even exist.
Be strong and brace yourself.
We are not living alone.
Hadap je la kalau orang nak buat dajal kat kita.
Those kind of rintangan la yang taught us on how to judge people
and decide the best decision in future.
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Had the feeling like i'm the dumbest person in the world.
Like the worst!
Been doing something stupid and now i'm angry of myself
why am i doing it in the first place all this while.
Loser me.
*punch myself hard*
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Rant #5
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I'd been here for quite some time now. Since 27/8 to be more accurate. A lot of things happened, some are good and some are bad. Failed exam, have to email and meet the lectures to get the summer's credits, fon buat hal, meet the juniors and problem with the internet.
Banyak2 hal, part internet tu yang bother me so much! Generasi Y mana boleh hidup tanpa internet..tahu?!! Nevertheless, bila dah kena macam2 ni kena selalu tarik nafas panjang2 and keep saying to myself that everything gonna be alright soon. Just keep calm and be more patient.
Mungkin Dia rindu nak dengar kita merintih minta tolong kat Dia to ease everything for us. Sabar banyak2 azira!
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 7, 2012
Kind of regret it now.
There are a few things that i regret for not be able to do it back then.
1. Read more books. Last summer holidays i do read books but most of them are fiction type of books. I wish I spend more time reading so called "ilmiah" book. Instead of duk khatam aisya sofea, noor suraya and hlovate bebanyak kali tu, i wish i do at least finish reading solusi or gen-Q that i bought last time =.=
2. Regret that I forgot to take picture with my parents. Believe it or not i don't even snap a single picture with them during last holidays. Regret it to the max T_T
3. Abah's health was not so good a few days after Eid. Regret sebab tak tengok or tanya abah betul-betul dia sakit macam mana. Sampai sekarang he keeps holding on to that pain. I wish I show more care towards him. He was so degil sebab tak nak langsung pegi check hospital. Abah you made me worry everyday because the distance between us is no joke abah. Super jauh kalau nak balik selalu pun T_T
4. Spend more quality times with my family. I wish my holidays were longer so we can spend more time to makan ramai2 for jumaat's lunch, help my umi masak and etc.
Tapi semua ni mampu duk "i wish" je la. Benda dah lepas. Should plan my future well so i can write less on my things-that-I-regret list in future.
Note 1 : tetibe teringat ost successful story of a bright girl.
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 31, 2012
I miss...
Things that i'll miss:
1. Mak buka pintu bilik and panggil nama sekali. Terus bangun sahur.
2. The fresh and fine morning air. Kat mana2 pun akan selalu ingat the kampung fresh air.
3. The foodsssssssss. At least half of the list i made last time tu berjaya gak cari. Yg lain tunggu next time la kot. Mcm x sempat dah nak cari sizzling kbmall tu =.=
4. Time untuk bermalas-malasan sepanjang hari and enjoy the everyday-is-a-day-without-book-day.
5. I'll miss hlovate, shud, and noor suraya and aisya sofea. A lot. Dah terfikir nak angkut satu dua novel sebab haritu dah terbeli sampai 3 buah novel sekali gus but lastly x bawak jugak sbb beg dah penuh dengan benda lain.
6. I already miss farha and her nasyid. Luckily ada rakam before fly balik sini. she loves this song very much.
Banyak lagi sebenarnya. tapi kalau senaraikan semua nanti kang taun depan x habis listnya.
Tempat jatuh lagi dikenang inikan pula kampung halaman. T_T
Posted by zira mustapa at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 7, 2012
These things had been circling in my mind for the past few months.
1. nasi kerabu (always on top of the list)
2. cheesy wedges
3. ayam percik
4. mee sizzling kbmall
5. ABC
6. pengat ubi
7. sambal belacan
8. gulai tempoyak
9. apam balik
10. masak lemak pucuk paku
11. somtam
Definitely there's many more in my head
but this is senarai balik-wajib-cari benda-benda ni semua.
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2012
12th July
Bilang hari nak balik Malaysia lagi seronok
dari bilang hari nak amek exam.
Can't wait for 12th July to come.
Posted by zira mustapa at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Musim orang balik cuti.
Finally it happen now.
Musim orang balik melawat negeri
tanah tumpah darah masing-masing
but me still here mengadap subjek yang
tak habis-habis lagi ni.
But it's okay. My responsibility here is to study,
gain knowledge and also experience as much as i can.
*ayat pujuk hati bila rasa down*
Eventually after habis exam memang akan balik pun.
Just a matter of time.
Big girl don't cry okay. *lap-lap air mata*
Besides, kan dah beli tiket.
Everything should be fine la kan as long as
you study hard and finish the exam on time.
Umi cakap tak larinye rumah di kejar.
Take your time to study well Azira.
I pray that Allah will count every letter that i read
and every tear that i shed as something beneficial
for my life in this dunya and hereafter. T_T
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My Wonderwall
So today i failed histo for the third time.
Tu maknnya esok kena repeat one of the
previous test in order nak dapat better result.
Dalam duk sedih-sedih tak pass ni tiba-tiba rasa
kelakar. Sempat la senyum sorang-sorang dua tiga saat
bila ingat balik...kihkihkih
As usual before and after exam mesti la ada yang text,
line, and viber me to wish good luck and same thing
happened after dah abes exam untuk tanya macam mana result.
The same cycle happen every time i had an exam.
The funny thing is, macam-macam reaction orang bagi
when i told them that i failed.
Some of them bagi nasihat dah macam geng mak-mak dah.
While others, cara comfort diorang lain-lain pulak.
If nak makan ice cream boleh ajak akid,
if nak hyper-hyper boleh cakap kat roomate,
if nak sweet sweet sket bole cakap dengan farah, ain, and so on.
(only to name a few)
Housemate pun jadi berkali-kali ganda sweet today.
Nasib tak tertumpah air mata when they came to comfort me just now.
Seriously i love you girls.
If one day insyaAllah dah jadi doctor i still want to work with you
all cause mana nak cari orang sweet-suka-support-kawan macam
ni in future. =.='
Thanks for showing me that i'm not alone here.
*saya sayang support system saya*
Posted by zira mustapa at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 4, 2012
Oh pelisss!
"Rasa inferior tahap gaban!
Orang lain dah setel habis semua exam tapi kau still duk menghadap subjek winter sem nyer subject."
Oh pelissssss!!! I hate this monologue. Everyday only the same thing occur in my mind.
I wish to have this kind of monologue instead of the above one but it took a lot of tears and scars. T_T
"It's okay. We don't have the same battle but eventually we all share the same goal. Be strong and have the courage to challenge the challenge. Do thing that you can control which is your effort and let Allah do the rest."
Well that sound better.
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 14, 2012
For you.
Specially dedicated to me myself...
Why you so weak?
Tak pass exam sket tapi nangis bagai nak
banjir faculty. Luckily no people there >.<
Poor your umi and abah.
You are almost 21 years old yet being so manja.
Abah sampai suruh letak phone sebab nangis teruk sangat.
Told me to calm myself first and repeatedly said that
its okay that i failed this time, i can try again next time.
Oh abah..if only you know what i feel.
I'm so scared that the same thing happened last year
will happen again this year.
I dont want to break your heart and make
you and umi worry about me again.
Plus, I don't know if im strong enough to face it the second time.
Dear Azira...
You know its not the end of the world yet
so stop grieving over something that had happened.
Something you cannot change.
All you can do is to accept the fact that you fail today!
Just take a deep breath, empty all the negative thought
and start a new chapter.
There's a lot more challenging stuff waiting for you in future.
You can face this Azira.
You have been through a lot before.
This little failure, i'm sure you can face it.
Please be strong!
Nak balik ke tak?
Kalau nak balik, stop grieving and start studying!
Posted by zira mustapa at 7:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2012
There's one moment in life when you want to stop,
have a break from this busy-hectic-miserable life
and forget everything.
But to think again, sampai bila nak run away every
time kena face problem kan.
Problem in life ni macam garam dalam kari.
If tak tambah garam mesti jadi tawar je kari tu.
Orang kata penambah perasa, emmmm..maybe
more to pelengkap rasa kari tu sendiri kot.
Even sebenarnya kita tau je effect garam tu kat badan
in case of excessive consumption, tapi kita still consume garam tu.
Sebab kalau tak tambah memang tak akan menjadi la kari kita tadi
*sembang resipi masakan pulak =.='*
What i'm trying to express is, be brave to face the problem girl!
He Won't test you with something you can't bear because
Dia adalah Yang Maha Mengetahui.
Bila kita yakin dengan sifat Allah yang satu ni,
kita tak akan risau dah macam mana nak face any problem in life.
Sebab kita tahu yang Allah Tahu setakat mana threshold kita
untuk face the problem.
but somehow i realize that
life without problems is a meaningless one.
note 1: risau takut tak lepas exam isnin ni sebenarnya T_T
note 2: to live under people's expectation is such a burdensome.
Posted by zira mustapa at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 7, 2012
Pre-exam Syndrom
Rasanya sepanjang duk sini nak dekat 2 tahun ni,
tiap kali nak exam mesti dapat sakit yang satu ni--> HEADACHE.
Dulu2 masa nak SPM xde pun develop penyakit ni.
Eh ada..tapi tak seteruk sekarang kot.
Bukak buku lama sikit mula la kepala berdenyut-denyut loya nak muntah. T_T
Bila kepala buat hal mula la cari alternatif lain untuk hilangkan sakit tu.
Antara yang selalu buat is tido or main game.
Bila dah start buat benda lagha2 ni, mula la study x abes..
then bila tinggal 2 3 hari nak exam mula la gelabah.
(Lagi gelabah dari nak jumpa bakal mertua tau #eh.)
Mana nak belek semua buku, tengok balik lecture notes,
hafal segala jenis neurons and pathway.
Sooooooo many to learn.
So my dear self..please be nice to me.
Jangan nak ngada2 sangat dekat nak exam ni.
I need to study T_T
Cepat abes exam cepat la kamu boleh balik.
Sila bertahan.
Posted by zira mustapa at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Great May
Its 1st of May and believe me its gonna be a hectic month ever. T___T
Got 2 exam this month, few tests and credits to fulfill.
Tapi hari-hari buat macam orang tak sedar diri nak exam.
Tengok drama, fb, layan youtube..nice kan T___T
Paling best bila time2 mcm ni la semua benda yang melaghakan,
semua tu la yang nak di buat.
Now im having sudden desire to go to shopping.
Its summer guys. We need new clothes for this new season...errr rite?
Since its May, meaning i still have approximately 2 months
before summer holiday start...cakap sekarang sape yang tak suka cuti lama-lama!
*senyum sampai ke telinga*
I'm the most happiest person when it comes to holidays.
Summer holidays means no class.
No class means no test.
No test means no books.
No books means kau-boleh-berjimba-24/7-dengan-senang-hatinya.
(ehemsss jgn ikut perangai buruk ni..sepatutnya niat kita study is to get His Blessing..tu baru betul *dush!!!)
But the most important thing is, summer holiday means Malaysia!!!
Probably this year gonna be the last year boleh sambut raya puasa
kat year belum tentu lagi macam mana.
Listening to the stories from the third year students already gives me goosebumps
on how "great" third year syllabus gonna treat you.
(we only can pray for the best je la kan)
So guys..happy-exam-dulu-baru-fikir-tiket-balik time!!
note 1 : i really love summer ^_^
Posted by zira mustapa at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Cesky Raj
I is currently studying for my exam next week
but now cannot focus at all so i decided to do
something which is my expertise for a long time ago
which is wasting time >.<
(kira wasting time la kan bila duk merapu-rapu kat belog sendiri)
Last week we went to Cesky Raj.
(went there with several other kepoh-but-happening people)
One of the beautiful sight seeing place i've ever been.
(macam la dah banyak jalan sgt)
Its a beautiful place. Basically we went to two places called
Marianska Vyhlidka and Prachovske Skaly.
Banyak pegi naik bukit je sebenarnya but the
view tu sangat la cantik. Subhanallah.
Baru sedar rupanya diri ni sangat gayat bila kat tempat tinggi.
Terjerit-jerit kau bila nak kena naik turun tangga yang curam tu!
Boo myself..orang lain relax je. Dah la paling cepat mengah.
Sampai satu checkpoint mesti cari air.
Should do exercise more regularly ni (empty promise again :P)
I'm a nature lover but not when it comes to hiking and all
those tiresome stuff. Boo me again..heheh
Let the picture do the talking yaw.
![]() |
gayat *___* |
![]() |
i'll never climb the steep hill again |
![]() |
saujana mata memandang ^__^ |
![]() |
don't believe the sun..its cold there! |
Posted by zira mustapa at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
She's amazing
On the 31st of march till 1st of april 2012
we had a program called OSEM
(ordinary student extraordinary MuDr)
~intro gaya nk buat laporan tahunan sekolah~
Ada dua org penceramah and basically all the topics
memang regarding medicine je la since both of them are doctor.
Let me first list out some of the topics discussed :
1. serving Malaysian health sector
2. medical professionalism
3. managing diversity
4. emotional intelligence
5. critical thinking, decision making and problem solving.
But personally what i think the most suitable topic
to be discussed here is "managing diversity" since
i think this topic is very crucial and can be applied to everybody.
(of course all other topics are interesting as well )
(pardon me for my rojak usage of bahasa later)
Some of the thing that i remember (and salin sikit2)
is the 5 minds for the future.
1. discipline mind
-try imagine the world bila semua orang nak hidup ikut
rules and regulation ikut kepala dia sorang2 je..sure dah lama
porak peranda bumi Allah yang permai ni
2. synthesizing mind
- bila fikir balik, rasanya kita tak kan dapat rasa macam-macam
(contoh paling dekat all the gadget canggih-canggih sekarang ni)
yang kita dapat sekarang ni if all people xde yang nak
berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif kat dunia ni.
3. creating mind
-hebat betul orang yang selalu berfikir and finally dapat create
something beneficial for everybody.
4. respecting mind
-rasanya peribahasa "ikutlah macam resmi padi,
makin tunduk makin berisi"
sesuai nak apply kat sini since if kita dah ada
all the 1, 2 ,3 kind of minds listed above but
we fail to respect each other the world takkan
dapat aman makmur jugak.
5.ethical mind
-ethical mind is something that will keeps
our humanity always in the ON mode.
(perghhh baru intro...)
jom masuk antara isi-isi penting ceramah Dr.Har..hihi
Diversity tu apa?
Senang cerita its something yang merangkumi semua aspek
dalam hidup kita, the differences between kita dengan orang
sekeliling kita. Contoh; suka makan apa, sekarang tengah belajar
ke dah kerja, menganut agama apa, and so on. Sebagai seorang
doktor yang kerja dia tiap-tiap hari adalah berurusan dengan
orang-orang yang sangat lah berlainan paras rupa dan tabiat ni,
apa nak buat bila nak kena deal dengan orang-orang macam ni?
To answer that question is kita kena faham yang setiap orang ni
personality dia berbeza. Ada orang yang sanguine, choleric,
melancholic and phlegmatic. ( rough idea on what i'm talking about )
and the way we gonna approach them pun might be different
(personally i don't don't know if i'm able to cope with all these type of people =.=')
~you can try to do the test here~
Another thing yang dia cakap is about 5 languages of love.
1. affirmative words
2. gifts and presents
3. quality time
4. act of service
5. touch
From what i understand from this topic is you must know
other's language of love well in order nak the relationship
maintain ok. If dia jenis yang suka gifts and present apalah
salahnya kalau diraikan dengan a small gift as a sign of gratitude ^_^
I think mine is affirmative words and act of service.
I'm not really good with words cuz sometimes i find it hard
to express my true feeling and I rather choose act of service
as the way to show my love and care to other people.
(soooo phlegmatic me)
Conclusion, to do something great you need to have the attitude.
If you gonna be a doctor, have the correct attitude to become a doctor.
Be humble, teachable and keep the altruism within you.
Rangkuman program disini
Posted by zira mustapa at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 23, 2012
Adik nak solat
Today i called home and spoke
to my dear youngest adik which is 5 years old.
Basically this is what we spoke about :
me : adik buat apa?
adik : baca iqra abg ma bwk balik td.
me : ooo...
adik : kak ngah semalam adik sembahyang hajat untuk kak ngah.
me : la ye ke? sape ajar adik sembahyang hajat?
adik : umi. semalam adik nak sembahyang hajat untuk kak ngah so umi pun ajar la.
me : *speechless*
Be a solehah girl when you grow up adik.
I'm so scared thinking on what kind of world you'll be living in future.
Mine is hard enough and i don't know how's your future gonna be.
I'm no good but i hope you can do better than me.
Lets usaha supaya satu family dapat reunion balik kat syurga esok. ^^
note 1 : my umi teach her how to sembahyang maghrib but apparently she kept saying that it is sembahyang hajat. =.=
Posted by zira mustapa at 12:22 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
When czech meet france
Last two week was great.Why?
Because someone close to me come here in Olomouc ^_^
Happy sebab dapat tengok kawan yang sama-sama
homesick masa form 1 sekarang dah makin matang and independent.
Duduk sorang2 kat negara yang serba-serbi asing ni sape kata senang?
(tiap2 malam nangis bwh duvet ingat rumah tau).
But i salute you la friend sebab dapat survive until now.
The journey is not easy but the satisfaction that come
after this insyaallah will be very sweet.
Take care Maziah kat sana. Dekuju moc sudi datang
Czech Republic yang kecik molek ni.
Uhibukifillah abadan abadaa.
Tak lupa juga pada kakak senior yang comel
lagi baik hati tolong tunjuk tempat makan som tam best
and bawa kitorang yang selalu clueless ni jalan-jalan.
Tenkiu kakak protozoa. Jasamu dikenang. hihi
Posted by zira mustapa at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I Know What You Did Last February
I got so many things in my head
but don't know which one to start first.
So let me list out a few things that
happened to me during last month.
1. finally pass my medical chemistry paper
2. my sister is halfway for her graduation
since she pass a part of her practical session
3. explorace v olomouci
4. dinner : arabian night theme
My abah hold a sembahyang hajat session
with a few of our neighbors.
I'm terharu abah. Seriously.
Umi too keep praying a lot for my success.
Thank you everybody. Siap dapat berjenis-jenis
chocolate lagi before the exam.
You girls memang best my friends. d(^_^)b
Nasib baik tak banjir Olomouc ni
bacause of my terharu tears for everybody.
(Yes you moved my heart
and i silently cried that day..nanges dalam hati)
Don't know what other adjective
to use except terharu to describe my feeling
toward all the people that i love.
(English tahap kindergarten...pardon)
For the explorace and dinner, its actually
to celebrate our first batch here
the sixths' year students since they are finally leaving soon.
Penat tapi best. It's worth it la berdemam-demam after the event.
Me myself tak main pun tapi
kena jaga lemon juice checkpoint.
Tergelak-gelak tengok orang minum lemon juice
sampai ada yang menangis.
I would say actually not so much thing happen last month
but those are the most precious memory
that i will keep to myself forever..insyaallah.
Posted by zira mustapa at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Saya dengan sukacitanya (sebenarnya dukacita)
disini ingin mengumumkan
bahawa saya sangat-sangat
rindukan Malaysia (tanah tumpah darahku).
Perasaan rindu yang membuak-buak
sehingga menyebabkan
saya terimbau-imbau kembali (sampai mengigau)
keindahan desa halaman,
kaum keluarga dan sanak saudara
serta sahabat handai terchenta.
Tidak lupa juga kepada aneka juadah
dan makanan yang lazat (sehingga menjiat jari),
masakan ibu dan paling utama domo-domo kesayangan.
Saya rindu kalian semua.
Kalian pula bagaimana?
note 1 : seronok juga buat list food yang wajib kena makan bila balik nanti. =.='
Posted by zira mustapa at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Rant #4
Bulek dok kalu nok sero ati nga semo ore?
Buleh dok kalu nok maroh ko semo ore?
Buleh dok kalu xse doh nok jago ati semo ore?
Mace impossible la kae..ambo bukenyo hidup sore atah dunio ni
Gere dok bilo saem hok kito nk skype lamo dh
tibo2 sokmo xleh skype nga kito
tp kalu nga ore lain ado sokmo jah maso..
(being bersangka buruk..i know)
fine la...lali doh keno ignore nga ore ni
Pah kalu ore tanyo kaba, (doh kato saem mestila nk tanyo kaba)
mace laye x laye jah..fine la..who am i la kan
others are more important..
im the melukut di tepi gantang la kot..
(layak ko? ko x layak pong nk jadi melukut ni?)
ambo sero hati sungguh nga demo..tok tahu la bakpo
tapi maybe la demo pong banyok kijo lain hok lagi penting kot...
sapo la ambo ni..
nok ore laye ambo sokmo jah tokleh jugok kae..
(tapi ambo jare2 gle contact demo)
ambo sokmo duk cari alase nk sdak ko ati sdiri kalu xdok ore laye ambo
tok kesoh la sapo2 pong
siyenyo ko diri sdiri..mace duk sore dale rama2
takpo lah demo..
Posted by zira mustapa at 1:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 30, 2012
Last night i dreamed about you.
Never thought that i actually miss you so much all this while.
Pardon me for my ignorance.
May you rest in peace there.
Posted by zira mustapa at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 27, 2012
Ichigo lawan Aizen
Half of me said that its okay
while the other half said that its not okay.
Pernah tak tengok time Ichigo lawan dengan Aizen?
(mood anime kejap)
Diorg lawan sampai la Ichigo use his ultimate strength
and finally lost his power as Shinigami.
Lawan punya lawan sampai dua-dua pun penat and hilang power.
I guess tu la yang tengah berlaku kat my brain this two three days.
Right hemisphere kata "kau kena redha dengan apa je yang jadi"
While left hemisphere pulak kata
"better kau balik je la..nak mengharapkan apa je lagi kat sini"
Battle yang tak sudah-sudah.
Sila bertabah sket boleh tak?!
Posted by zira mustapa at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Cakap dengan cermin
When things that you can't control happened, you sigh.
When bad things happened, you also sigh.
Doing nothing but sigh.
Tak tahan kena uji sikit.
Padahal tahu tahu je yang Allah treat us individually
so why are you comparing your fate with other person?
Tak bersyukur tahu tak?
Every obstacle and difficulty are the greatest love
from Allah to show how Powerful He is
and how Intelligent He is when it comes
planning the right-that-we-thought-wrong things for us.
Tabahkan hati sikit boleh tak?
Posted by zira mustapa at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
To my dear...
To my dear kak cik...
i feel u.
the dilemma.
I've been through all (mostly all) the things that u felt right now.
i know i'm not the sweet-soft-warm sister to you
and selama ni i don't think i help u much pun
since we have our big-mighty-strong heart sister
that used to do all the things regarding us.
but what i want to say is...
never ever feel down
u can be sad sometime
or depressed
never ever feel down, give up or hate the things
that happen in your life.
believe me..i understand it well
whenever you feel down
just remember that
i'm trying hard to remind myself about this thing too.
He Knows the Best.
yakin dengan tu.
i think you know what i've been through right now.
maybe not much but i think you do know at least a little right?
that's life...
you have ups and downs.
be grateful with what u have right now.
and please SABAR banyak-banyak
tu je yang aku mampu buat dulu.
and of course aku pun nangis jugak
bila nak go through benda-benda macam tu
i'm not strong neither i'm tough.
but if i can go through it, i believe you can do more than i can
because you are my little-kuat nangis-but -rajin-study sister
be strong dear.
note 1 : whenever i have problem, i'm not the tell-all-things-to-you-right-away type..unless when somebody ask cuz i just don't know how to describe my problem >.< (my bad)
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Cik Baitul
This post is dedicated to NURUL BAITUL IZZAH
(nk letak nama ayah skali ke?)
since today is her 21st birthday.
(the eldest among all geniuses kan?)
- HEPI BIRTHDAY!!! (nada paling ceria + fireworks)
EHEM2''(if ada la..haha)
This song is specially dedicated to you :D
okay maybe lagu ni xde kaitan dgn birthday pun but still i want you to listen to this song ^_^
I miss u bebeh. *hugs and kisses dari jauh*
Posted by zira mustapa at 10:45 AM 2 comments