Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Semester wrap up

Alhamdulillah today i had finished all the paper that should be completed in this semester.(finally) Praise be upon Him because without Him i'll never had the strength to go through all the exam.

So now i think is the most suitable time to give 100% attention toward ticket thingy now.  But before that, here some wrap up about the subjects that i had took so far in my first year.


  • this subject is banyak-kena-hafal-and-tahu , semakin baca rasa mcm makin banyak pulak tak tahu...basicly you need to know ALL about your precious body. When i said "all" i really mean it. Even the smallest blood vessels! But nevertheless i enjoyed studying this subject so much. It makes me appreciate my body more and also make me realize that Allah is just so Great that no other god, only Him could have created such a great perfect human body. 
  • This is one of my favourite subject since my secondary school except when it comes to experiment. I always got dizzy watching all those sometimes-extremely-minute-tiny-little-specimen during the winter semester. But summer semester seems better. I like the immune system topic the most. (probably because i spent a really really long time to study only that topic.)
  •  Honestly this is the subject that will easily make me fall asleep when i study it (sometimes during lectures as well) but i still found something interesting in this subject, especially when it comes to ECG and how our body is working in "physics way" ---------->the equations and the laws that applied to it is enough for me to fall asleep as soon as i open the lecture notes =.='
  • This subject is for the winter term only. Again chemistry is basically is the continuation of the one you had learn during your secondary school but obviously its deeper and the exam was tough. Many people still didn't pass this paper and need to do it in this summer semester examination period (obviously you need to finish all the paper before the new term begin but the problem is not so many dates are available during summer exam period so you need to be hurry) 
So i guess that's it..the major papers that you need to finish before you can say Hi to Malaysia and Bye-bye to Olomouc.

p/s: cant wait to go home \(^__^)/

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mixed Feeling

Today i got anatomy exam and as i had predicted last night, i failed. Nak kata sedih tu memang la sedih (tipu giler kalau x sedih) but somehow feel bless gak la sbb actually memang tak habis baca pon.

Sekarang ni musim semua orang nak start balik tanah melayu dah. Nanti hari sabtu ni my roomate pun dah start nak berangkat balik dah. MIXED FEELING!

Hepi for her coz she had finished all the papers but at the same time quite upset coz later i'll be left alone.
Only He knows how boring it is to be left alone in this small room. Still got 3 papers left. But I hope I can extend one of the paper to the next semester coz i dont think i'll be able to prepare for the test in a short time  plus i think there will be no date available in July. Or else i need to come earlier than anyone else to settle my exam. Quite tough kan? (well at least i do think so)

Disamping cuak dgn exam yg mcm pernah nak habis ni, somehow feel a little bit excited coz its the end of June now. It means that summer holiday is just around the corner. (although tiket pun x beli lagi but still feel excited).

I'm sick of being far away from my beloved people in my home. Plus, lagi sakit jiwa kalau tgk org duk post gambar makanan sedap2 kat fb tu. Hello! dont ue guys know im craving for those foods like crazy for ages ago =.='' Seriously balik rumah ni memang nak mintak macam2 kat umi (sori umi..huhu)

So bersabarlah wahai cik azira ye! everything gonna be fine eventually..never lose hope to what He had set to ue..ur path might be different from anyone else but finally we will achieve the same goal right... (^__^)
(pujuk diri sendiri)

Monday, June 6, 2011


Allhamdulillah i passed with my second paper today --->BIOPHYSICS
Allah really is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. He let me passed even there's still a lot that i don't know and cover before the exam. ALHAMDULILLAH! THANK YOU ALLAH. He knows what the best for us coz He is the best Planner ever in the whole universe. I felt very lucky today coz i'm one of the 3 candidates that passed since overall there are about 10 candidates  today. Alhamdulillah ^__^

I remembered one of the status made by one of my senior after he was done with his exam,

Nicely quoted..(^__^)

p/s: two down, three to go