Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rant #14

Few days ago my sister massage me on facebook
telling me about my grandmother's plan this coming Ramadan.

My sister said that she gonna perform her umrah.
At first I was like, okay. Good then.
She had a chance to do the Hajj with my late grandfather
last time so this time she only gonna do the umrah.
I'm so happy to hear that.
(nak mintak doakan dapat jodoh cepat2 boleh dak? hahah)

Then what's the big deal?
It is a big deal because she gonna stay there for the whole
Ramadan and will only come back a week after Eid.
The thing is I'll only come back home the earliest maybe
during the first week of July.

We probably gonna meet each other only after Eid.
This is so sad. Who's gonna make ketupat as good as she
always do every raya this time.
Thinking about this ruined my mood a bit.
Eid won't be the same without the presence
of the eldest people in the family.
Its their presence that make the "mood" for raya.

Tapi takkan nak halang niat baik orang nak beribadah kan.
At least you still have your maternal grandmother Azira.
Rindu nak jumpa semua orang tahu.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Amsterdam Trip

I had a 4 days 3 nights trip to Holland
with some awesome girlfriends last week.

During our first day, we met two friendly Malaysian
aunties whom also traveling Amsterdam.
Guess what they gave us? Rendang!
Omaigosh jumpa rendang time tengah-tengah makan
kat bandar asing ni mana tak excited. Haha.
Feel like wanna cry because of the deliciousness
of the rendang that day.
Feel so Malaysia truly Europe. Haha.
Coincidently during that lunch hour,
there were so many Malaysian eating there as well.
Feel so homey even we were actually at a kebab shop.

At the evening after the kepoh us succeeded
searching for the bus that can take us to our hostel,
it turns out that the bus driver can speak Indonesian well. Hahah.
Another excitement. Can you imagine a mat salleh speak Malay
to you in their homeland? Happy of course!
His wife is an Indonesian so no wonder he can speak fluently.
He said 'semoga ketemu lagi' when we arrive at our destination.
So sweet la that uncle driver bus.

We went to The Dungeon (rumah hantu), Madame Tussaud,
Keukenhof (to watch tulip of course),  Iamsterdam "square"
near the Van Gogh Museum,
(i don't know exactly how they call that place)
Zannse Schans (a place with a lot of windmills) and
later pusing-pusing around our hostel in Volendam.
(I hope I'm not missing any of the places that we visited there)

There's a lot of museum there and we didn't enter any of them.
Why? I don't know.
Maybe because we don't really like the
"explain-the-abstract-drawing-yourself thingy kot".

Volendam is a fisherman village.
Gosh i really love this place,
You could see a lot of boats and yachts there.
It is super beautiful and tranquil place to live.
Jatuh cinta pandang pertama dengan Volendam.
Unfortunately this year Europe has a "cold" spring.
You can see flurries and snow in the morning.
However the freezing sea and seagulls was not
a bad scenery at all. (exclude the wind part)
But I think it would be better if they have a little sunshine.
Wish one day I could go there again.

One thing that I like about Holland is
the citizen can speak English well and very friendly.
We all tak habis-habis duk compare between Prague and Amsterdam.
Its like langit dengan bumi beza how people there react
with the tourists.

The best thing is we don't receive any
weird glance from people there.
Why weird glance?
Because we wear hijabs and hijab means you are a muslim.
You know how the westerns usually react when it comes to
Islam. Yada yada.
But we don't really feel alienated there.
Perhaps because Islam community is bigger there
in comparison with Prague muslim's community.
(maybe, i don't do any research actually)

But seriously, I like how the people there
look "brighter" and not like some people here
who look so "gloomy" most of the time.
Maybe they have different culture and way of life.
I don't know.

The only thing that pissed me off during our trip
is the public transport.
I understand that they have a lot of option for public transport
such as buses, taxis, even boats but I don't
get it why they have different schedule when its weekend.

We were so confused at first about why we need
to change from bus to a boat every time we need to go
to the city during weekend.
I mean there's a lot of buses that can bring you to the port
but I think they don't have a proper schedule about
which bus goes where at that time.
As a tourist you wouldn't want to take the wrong bus
because thats just gonna delay our journey.
I don't know about the other girls but this things
sometimes pissed me off.
Why can't you have the same schedule for public transport
no matter if it is weekdays or weekend? Pfttt.

The journey was actually really exciting.
This trip was one of the best trip I ever had.
(padahal tak banyak jalan sangat pon macam orang lain)

Thank you girls for the masam-masam manis
memories. I'll keep that in my heart forever.

note : did I mention that we have two tests the week after the break? I'm so not in the mood to study. In fact, next week pon ada dua tests. Kbai.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rant #13

Sometimes panjang angan-angan ni tak bagus juga.
Especially when it comes to future.
Banyak berangan pasal masa depan
tapi kurang berbuat in the present time.
No good Azira. No good.

Contoh, berangan nak kawen dengan
anak raja tapi tak pernah practice
macam mana nak hidup as a princess.
Ingat senang nak masuk royal family?
*insert bunyi gagak pulang petang here*

Nak berangan sepatutnya kena ada strategy.

Sebab kita tak nak angan-angan tu nanti jadi kosong.
Bila berangan sepatutnya kena set aim and steps
on how to achieve the aim.
Baru tak jadi macam angan-angan mat jenin.
Got it?

note 1 : Amsterdam was awesome. I wish I could go to Volendam again in future.
note 2 : Esok test Pathology nak jawab apa ni Azira? -.-
note 3 : Stuck - Stacie Orrico