Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rant #5

Fall for this stupid love song over again...tapi lagu je la. =P

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I'd been here for quite some time now. Since 27/8 to be more accurate. A lot of things happened, some are good and some are bad. Failed exam, have to email and meet the lectures to get the summer's credits, fon buat hal, meet the juniors and problem with the internet.

Banyak2 hal, part internet tu yang bother me so much! Generasi Y mana boleh hidup tanpa internet..tahu?!! Nevertheless, bila dah kena macam2 ni kena selalu tarik nafas panjang2 and keep saying to myself that everything gonna be alright soon. Just keep calm and be more patient.

Mungkin Dia rindu nak dengar kita merintih minta tolong kat Dia to ease everything for us. Sabar banyak2 azira!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kind of regret it now.

There are a few things that i regret for not be able to do it back then.

1. Read more books. Last summer holidays i do read books but most of them are fiction type of books. I wish I spend more time reading so called "ilmiah" book. Instead of duk khatam aisya sofea, noor suraya and hlovate bebanyak kali tu, i wish i do at least finish reading solusi or gen-Q that i bought last time =.=

2. Regret that I forgot to take picture with my parents. Believe it or not i don't even snap a single picture with them during last holidays. Regret it to the max T_T

3. Abah's health was not so good a few days after Eid. Regret sebab tak tengok or tanya abah betul-betul dia sakit macam mana. Sampai sekarang he keeps holding on to that pain. I wish I show more care towards him. He was so degil sebab tak nak langsung pegi check hospital. Abah you made me worry everyday because the distance between us is no joke abah. Super jauh kalau nak balik selalu pun T_T

4. Spend more quality times with my family. I wish my holidays were longer so we can spend more time to makan ramai2 for jumaat's lunch, help my umi masak and etc.

Tapi semua ni mampu duk "i wish" je la. Benda dah lepas. Should plan my future well so i can write less on my things-that-I-regret list in future.

Note 1 : tetibe teringat ost successful story of a bright girl.