Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Musim orang balik cuti.

Finally it happen now.
Musim orang balik melawat negeri
tanah tumpah darah masing-masing
but me still here mengadap subjek yang
tak habis-habis lagi ni.

But it's okay. My responsibility here is to study,
gain knowledge and also experience as much as i can.
*ayat pujuk hati bila rasa down*

Eventually after habis exam memang akan balik pun.
Just a matter of time.
Big girl don't cry okay. *lap-lap air mata*

Besides, kan dah beli tiket.
Everything should be fine la kan as long as
you study hard and finish the exam on time.
Umi cakap tak larinye rumah di kejar.
Take your time to study well Azira.

I pray that Allah will count every letter that i read
and every tear that i shed as something beneficial
for my life in this dunya and hereafter. T_T

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Wonderwall

So today i failed histo for the third time.
Tu maknnya esok kena repeat one of the
previous test in order nak dapat better result.

Dalam duk sedih-sedih tak pass ni tiba-tiba rasa
kelakar. Sempat la senyum sorang-sorang dua tiga saat
bila ingat balik...kihkihkih

As usual before and after exam mesti la ada yang text,
line, and viber me to wish good luck and same thing
happened after dah abes exam untuk tanya macam mana result.
The same cycle happen every time i had an exam.

The funny thing is, macam-macam reaction orang bagi
when i told them that i failed.
Some of them bagi nasihat dah macam geng mak-mak dah.
While others, cara comfort diorang lain-lain pulak.
If nak makan ice cream boleh ajak akid,
if nak hyper-hyper boleh cakap kat roomate,
if nak sweet sweet sket bole cakap dengan farah, ain, and so on.
(only to name a few)
Housemate pun jadi berkali-kali ganda sweet today.
Nasib tak tertumpah air mata when they came to comfort me just now.

Seriously i love you girls.
If one day insyaAllah dah jadi doctor i still want to work with you
all cause mana nak cari orang sweet-suka-support-kawan macam
ni in future. =.='

Thanks for showing me that i'm not alone here.
 *saya sayang support system saya*

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh pelisss!

"Rasa inferior tahap gaban!
Orang lain dah setel habis semua exam tapi kau still duk menghadap subjek winter sem nyer subject."

Oh pelissssss!!! I hate this monologue. Everyday only the same thing occur in my mind.

I wish to have this kind of monologue instead of the above one but it took a lot of tears and scars. T_T

"It's okay. We don't have the same battle but eventually we all share the same goal. Be strong and have the courage to challenge the challenge. Do thing that you can control which is your effort and let Allah do the rest."

Well that sound better.