Friday, September 30, 2011

Losing you.

You are great.
I hope we will have the chance to meet again in future.
It will be weird without you here.Seriously!
Be strong.
I know you are.
Allah Loves you.
Thats for sure.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Being clumsy for the past few days dah macam isi dgn kuku dah dengan aku.
Hilang benda tu, lupa benda ni, cari benda tu, buat benda ni..semua serba tak kena.

Contohnya hari ni, pagi-pagi lagi bersiap dengan semangat berkobar-kobar  nak gi faculty sbb nak print a few things and most importantly nak print jadual blaja untuk next semester.
Lepas 3 komputer aku try tp still x boleh nak log in then aku amek decision untuk balik je.
Then bila sampai bilik aku terus log in aku punya portal..
manalah tahu aku ada masalah kt portal sampai x boleh nak log in kt faculty.

Bila dah masukkan username, sekali zapp terlintas kat otak bukan username yang aku masukkan kt komputer kt faculty tadi.
OMG! rasa diri tersangat sengal sebab boleh pulak terlupa mana satu username aku.
Yg aku masukkan tadi tu nombor isic card aku.
Tetiba rasa nak lempang diri laju-laju sebab baru je tinggal faculty 2 bulan dah lupa semua benda.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I miss these girls!

Okay thanks! you girls successfully made me jealous yg teramat sangat!
Didn't have the chance to meet all of you during the last semester break.
Only He Knows how TERKILAN  i am.
However its good to see that you still stay the same like i used to know you before.

Love from Czech Rep. ^____^

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Missing DOMO!

menyesal xbawak DOMO datang sini

 DOMO please don't miss me..and try to live well until i come back okay!don't scared to be alone ^^